This article describes how the VXG Cloud API relates to the built-in SDK functionality. You can use the VXG Cloud Agent documentation to build a simple application that contains callback function stubs. You can find the full source code of the Embedded SDK published on the GitHub
The documentation can be found in the PDF file in the root folder.
We recommend starting with a minimal app and check checking video streaming using the VXG Cloud. You can use the documentation to build the minimal application that contains callback function stubs. In the next stepsteps, you you’ll need to implement all the callback functions and adapt this source code for your awesome solutionusing your camera functionality.
The integration process includes the following steps:
a minimal application and check video streaming from a
camera to VXG Cloud
Camera capabilities
Video streaming
Integration with the settings API
Integrating PTZ commands
Integration of motion and sound events
Integration of the backward audio channel
Minimal requirements
Below are the minimal requirements for the camera to run the cloud agent based on Embedded SDK:
Before running the application you should go to the VXG dashboard and create a new camera and get a VXG an access token:
1.1 Go to Video Management and click Add New Camera:
1.2 Select Cloud Camera and click Next:
1.3 Enter the camera name, set up recording and the timezone, and click Next:
1.4 Now the camera is created, please go to the Settings tab:
1.5 Scroll down to find the Streaming access token:
You can also find it in the Integration section:
Or you can use V3 Admin API to create a new camera and generate an access token:
After obtaining the access token, you can run the following command and watch the video in the VXG dashboard: