Admin channel configuration - Delete
There are 2 options to configure Admin channel, with AWS Secret or certificate PEM file that is stored on the local system.
PEM file creation
These steps are common for both AWS Secret and certificate PEM file that is stored on the local.
Log in to Ubuntu Linux and install "openssl":
sudo apt install openssl
2. Creating a certificate in PFX format from the files "company.crt" and "company.key" (no password required):
openssl pkcs12 -export -out company.pfx -inkey company.key -in company.crt
3. Creating required certificate in PEM format (specify the PEM pass phrase):
openssl pkcs12 -in company.pfx -out company.pem
Enter Import Password:
Enter PEM pass phrase:
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:
4. Get created company.pem
AWS Secret configuration
AWS Secret
Log in to AWS console and go to Secrets Manager service
Create an AWS secret called "admin_channel". Click to "Store a new secret" in AWS secret manager console:
3. Create AWS Secret JSON file
4. Enter AWS secret JSON and click "Next"
5. Enter AWS secret name "admin_channel" and click "Next":
6. Click “Next“ → “Next” → “Store”
IAM User
Log in to AWS console and go to IAM service
Click Add users
3. Add user name and click “Next: Permissions“
4. Select “SecretsManagerReadWrite“ policy name and click “Next: Tags“
5. Skip “Tags“ and click “Create User“
6. Copy “Access key ID“ and “Secret access key“ or download .csv (Attention: This is the last time these credentials will be available to download)
7. Open created user and remove “IAMUserChangePassword“ policy
PEM file that is stored on the local system configuration
Take a PEM file created in the “PEM file creation“ section
Follow steps from the “Config file - config.php” document