Deployment over Kubernetes requires an assessment of the data center and existing services. Below are the main services:
Object storage (S3)
Managed Database (MySQL or Postgres)
DNS zone controller
ELK or EFK (logging)
Prometheus and Grafana (monitoring)
The deployment is performed using Helm Charts.
Examples of Kubernetes used in previous deployments: KubeSphere, EKS, OpenShift, K3S, and MiniCube (for testing).
Usual requirements
Kubernetes - preferred Opinshift 1.28
Object storage - S3 compatible, like MINIO
Database - preferred MySQL 5.7, minimum 2 cores, 16GB
Jump host (a separate VM) - 2 cores, 16GB
Configured DNS.
A pull of public IP addresses.
Mapping of public IP addresses/ports to local nodes IP addresses/ports,
Two load balancers.