Begin by first downloading Download the correct version of the ONVIF Uplink application, which you can find here.
Steps for running the application
How to run the application:
Unzip the package and run
scriptCreate the access tokens:
Log in to the web client and go to the Cameras page
Click Add camera > Uplink
Enter the camera name, camera Onvif username, and password and click Apply
Copy and save the access token to the file (see step 3).
Configure your environment variable files:
access_tokens.envCode Block ACCESS_TOKEN_1=eyJjYW1pZCI6IDEyMzQ1NiwgInVwbGluayI6ICJkZXYtYXBpLnByb3h5LmNsb3VkLXZtcy5jb20ifQo= ACCESS_TOKEN_2=eyJjYW1pZCI6IDEyMzQ1NiwgInVwbGluayI6ICJkZXYtYXBpLnByb3h5LmNsb3VkLXZtcy5jb20ifQo= ...
This file contains access tokens for each camera. You can include up to 16 access tokens. Each token should be in a separate line.
cameras.envCode Block CAMERA_IP_ADDRESS_1=1192. CAMERA_RTSP_PORT_1=8154554 CAMERA_HTTP_PORT_1=818080 CAMERA_IP_ADDRESS_2=10192.20168.302.4016 CAMERA_RTSP_PORT_2=888554 CAMERA_HTTP_PORT_3=854 CAMERA_IP_ADDRESS_3= ...
This file contains IP addresses, RTSP and rtsp and http HTTP ports for cameras , there can be (up to 16 cameras). Each parameter should be in on a separate line. rtsp RTSP and http HTTP ports are optional . If you don't need them, you can leave them empty and it that case each camera will use default ports (rtsp: 554, httpand if you skip them then the default ports will be used (RTSP: 554, HTTP: 80).
Now that your access_tokens.env and cameras.env files have been configured, you can now run the application using the following commands.
cd path/to/package/source ./start.shCode Block Run
script - the cameras should start streaming and you should see the live video in the web client.