Docker Gateway

Download the Uplink Gateway package from here.

Windows Installation

  1. Install Docker Desktop for Windows.

  2. Download and unzip the Gateway package.

  3. Open Powershell and go to your working directory.

  4. If your system has Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) or Git installed you can start the application using the start script.


    Otherwise, run the following commands in Windows Powershell from the Gateway package directory.

  5. The Gateway should now be accessible from the address localhost:80 or <device-ip>:80

You should see the container running in your Docker Desktop



  1. Disable Windows automatic service detection



Linux Installation

  1. Download and unzip the Gateway package.

  2. Install Docker Engine and Docker Compose.

  3. Run the Gateway using the start script.


    The script should automatically detect your system’s architecture.
    If you have issues with this, the script can be run in the following was to enforce a specific architecture.

  4. The Gateway should now be accessible from the address localhost:80 or <device-ip>:80

Adding Gateway to the Cloud

  1. Navigate to or <device-ip>, login with username: admin, password: admin, then navigate to the settings page and copy the Gateway ID.

  2. Navigate to the Gateways tab in the Web Client and add the gateway using the UUID.

The status of the gateway can be checked in the Gateways page on Cloud One.

Clicking Gateway UI should open a new tab and redirect to the Gateway login page.

If this does not happen, there is an issue with the connection.

Adding Cameras

  1. Navigate to the Gateway tab in Cloud One and select the gateway you would like to add a camera to.


  2. Select the ‘Add Camera To Gateway’ button and fill out the camera information form.

  3. Camera will now have been added to the gateway and cloud one and the camera can be viewed in Gateway’s camera page as well as the Cameras tab.


How to Stop Gateway

  1. Execute the stop script.



How to Update Gateway

Local Update

  1. Ensure that the old version of Gateway is running.

  2. Navigate to the extracted folder of the new version of the Gateway.

  3. Execute the script by providing the old Gateway directory and new Gateway directory.


Remote Update

Note that this requires an SSH Server to be installed on the Gateway’s Host system.

  1. Get service information of the gateway’s connection.


  2. Connect to device via the SSH info.

    Connection method may vary depending on how your SSH Client is configured on the host machine.

  3. Upload or download the Gateway version you want to update to onto the Gateway device.

  4. Navigate to the directory containing the new version of the Gateway.

  5. Execute the update script as a background process. Note that the connection will be broken as the Gateway restarts.


    If done successfully the Gateway should be accessible from it’s original IP.

API Examples

Request authorization token from Gateway

Retrieve authorization token to send valid API requests.

Valid response: 200

Get list of cameras on Gateway

Retrieve list of cameras from Gateway database.

Valid response: 200

Add camera to Gateway

When adding a camera, it is suggested to create an Uplink camera on the Cloud VMS without the provisioning server and then copying the created access token to use in the token field when creating a camera on the gateway. Otherwise, you must create an Uplink camera using the provisioning server and use the same serial number and MAC Address values when creating the camera on the gateway.

Valid response: 201

Delete camera from Gateway

When deleting a camera, the camera ID for the camera on the gateway can be used. If the camera was added using an access token, you can also use the camera’s ID on the Cloud VMS to remove the camera.

Valid response: 204 No Content

Restart Gateway service connection

Valid response: 200


Gateway Connectivity Issues

The connection between the gateway and the cloud can be checked by attempting to access the Gateway UI through Cloud One.

If the Gateway cannot be accessed in this manner, it is usually a result of two errors:

  1. The gateway’s uplink connection timed out. The connection can be reset in the Gateway’s Settings page.

    This will restart the connect and the Gateway will attempt to access the cloud.

  2. The Gateway’s ID was entered incorrectly when adding the Gateway to the cloud. In this case you will need to delete and re-add the Gateway with the correct Gateway ID found in the Gateway’s Settings page.

In any case it is also helpful to contact support and provide Logs from the Gateway which can be downloaded from the Gateway’s Settings page.

Updating Camera’s IP Address

The camera’s IP address is stored on the Gateway, which means if it is entered incorrectly on Cloud One when adding the camera then it needs to be updated on the Gateway.

Navigate to the Gateway’s Cameras page and click edit on the camera you want to change the IP of.

From the editing form you can then update the IP and click Update.

Remote Connection to Gateway Device

The Uplink Gateway not only creates a connection to the user interface, it also creates a connection to the hosting device on port 22 which can be used to connect to the device using SSH.

  1. Get service information of the gateway’s connection.


  2. Connect to device via the SSH info.

    Connection method may vary depending on how your SSH Client is configured on the host machine.