Begin by first downloading the correct version of the ONVIF Uplink application, which you can find here.
Steps for running the application
After downloading the archive on your device, configure your environment variables.
access_tokens.envACCESS_TOKEN_1=eyJjYW1pZCI6IDEyMzQ1NiwgInVwbGluayI6ICJkZXYtYXBpLnByb3h5LmNsb3VkLXZtcy5jb20ifQo= ACCESS_TOKEN_2=eyJjYW1pZCI6IDEyMzQ1NiwgInVwbGluayI6ICJkZXYtYXBpLnByb3h5LmNsb3VkLXZtcy5jb20ifQo= ...
This file contains access tokens for each camera. You can include up to 16 access tokens. Each token should be in separate line.
This file contains IP addresses, and rtsp and http ports for cameras, there can be up to 16 cameras. Each parameter should be in separate line. rtsp and http ports are optional. If you don't need them, you can leave them empty and it that case each camera will use default ports (rtsp: 554, http: 80).
Now that your access_tokens.env and cameras.env files have been configured, you can now run the application using the following commands.
cd path/to/package/source ./