Installation - Windows

Install PHP7.4

It’s crucial to install 7.4, not 8.x

Configure php.ini

Change log level to errors only:


Make sure that the following extensions are uncommented


Download cacert.pem certificate and add path under below

curl.cainfo = "path_to_file\cacert.pem"

Go to PHP folder and Install composer:

php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');" php composer-setup.php --install-dir=./ --filename=composer

Install Postgres for Windows

Configuring the database in CMD

psql -U postgres postgres=# create database webclient; postgres=# create user webclient; postgres=# alter user webclient with encrypted password 'webclient'; postgres-# grant all privileges on database webclient to webclient;

For Postgres 15 and newer here are additional steps:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE webclient TO webclient; \c webclient postgres # You are now connected to database "webclient" as user "postgres". GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO webclient;

Copy and prepare the code

Clone the Web client package from GitHub. Go to /api/ folder and run the composer:

Test the web server

For testing, we recommend using the built-in PHP web server. You can launch it using the following command:

Where path_to_the_web_client is the path to the www folder of the package.